英語版【絵本「パパの柿の木」】My PAPA'S Persimmon Tree
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By Taniguchi Machiko Illustrated by Teishima Kazuhiro
Ever since I published “MY PAPA’S Persimmon Tree”, I have been visiting many schools to read it with students and tell my story. I had gotten an offer before to publish this book in English. However, I thought that it was impossible for me because I wasn’t confident with my English. Then, by coincidence, while visiting an international high school, the students offered to help me with the translation. We met many times and discussed the translation. Half a year later, we finally finished translating the book. Now, this book has reached a large audience in the world including, English teachers, workers in public transportation, and families. I hope that this book enables me to share my message with people living outside Japan as well. No matter how hard the situation is, there will always be hope.
谷口真知子 作 亭島和洋 絵
¥2,000 税込